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Peng Tao – Chine / Comex Candidature

I am running for the Excom member on behalf of the IATC China section. Since its establishment in 2007, our China section has actively participated in in various IATC activities. In 2014, we successfully hosted the 27th IATC congress. Moreover, we have successfully organized two IATC Young Critics seminars and two Asian Critic conferences. I have  engaged in discussions with Meng Jinghui, the art director of Anaya Theatre Festival, and he has agreed to host the IATC Young Critics seminar in June 2025 during the festival. Additionally, I am collaborating with several other theatre festivals in China. I have already talked with Stan Lai, the art director of Wuzhen Theatre Festival, and he has agreed to organize an event like  IATC critics’ forum during their festival in October 2025.

Peng Tao is theatre critic, professor and head of Dramatic Literature Department at the Central Academy of Drama, in Beijing China. He is the president of Chinese section IATC. He graduated from the Russian Academy of Theatre Art with a Master`s degree in Fine Art.His main publications include “A reading of Three Sisters” (2005/3), “Notes on the Seagull” (2007/1) , “A Study on Lin Zhao Hua`s interpretation of Chehov`s works” (2008), “The Spiritual Awakening of Intellectuals—On Chehov`s Uncle Vanya” (2017/2), all of which appeared in Drama: The Jurnal of The Central Academy of Drama. “Towards a Free Body —about Chinese Contemporary Dance” (Critical Stages, 2016, June , issue No.13). “A fight of a drunker —about Krystian Lupa`s production ‘Drunker named Mo Fei’” (Stage and Screen Reviews, 2017/4), “On Chekhov’s One-act Play” (Theatre Art, 2020/2), “Current situation and problems of Chinese new media theatre criticism” (Drama, 2022/4).