• contact @ aict-iatc.org
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  • Français

The International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT/IATC) in cooperation with FAME – Festival where Arts Meet Empowerment, the first edition of which will take place in Brussels, organises a new workshop for young critics that will take place throughout the duration of the event, from 19 to 24 September 2022.  The particularity of this festival, whose artistic director is Camille Khoury, is to be an art festival that values the work of women and gender minorities and whose goal is to participate in the creation of new more inclusive imaginaries.

You can already apply for a place in one of the two working groups (French or English) of up to ten participants for each of them. To do this, you must be a professional critic, aged between 18 and 35 years and be approved by your national section of the AICT-IATC. All applicants are invited to send their application forms, with a brief CV (just one page!), 2 or 3 examples of articles published in the press or elsewhere, and a letter of recommendation from the head of the AICT-IATC section of their respective country. All these documents should be sent in a single PDF document, if possible. Pay attention to the following facts:

1) It is the candidates who must send their application and not the heads of the sections of the AICT-IATC.

2) Make sure you have a good written knowledge in one of the two working languages.

The Festival will provide accommodation in double rooms, meals and passes allowing free entry to all the shows (subtitled in English) and to meetings and debates.

The working groups will be moderated by the following professional critics: Caroline Châtelet (France) and Lucia van Heteren (Netherlands). Applications should be sent to the Director of workshops, Jean-Pierre Han. jp.han@free.fr. Deadline for application is 15 August 2022.

A final list of all selected participants will be announced as soon as possible, so as to allow everyone to make their travel arrangements.