The IATC is pleased to announce that a seminar for young theatre critics will take place during the ‘Interferences’ Theatre Festival in Cluj, Romania, from November 29 to December 5, 2014. Applications are now open for two seminar groups (one French-speaking and one English-speaking). To apply, you must be a professional critic and aged between 18 and 35. All candidates are invited to send, as soon as possible, their registration form with a brief CV (just one page, please), two or three examples of their work (i.e. critical articles published in professional media), and a letter of recommendation from the person in charge of the IATC section in their country (if your country is an IATC member). All these documents should be sent in a single PDF file if possible. Please make sure of the following :
1) The registration form must be sent by the candidate, not by the IATC section officers.
2) The candidate must have a good proficiency in one of the two working languages (please indicate clearly whether you wish to be considered for the Francophone or the Anglophone group).
Participants in the seminar will be provided with accommodation, meals, theatre tickets, and, for participants travelling by plane, transportation to and from the airport. Participants are required to meet the cost of their travel to Cluj. Please note that participants may be required to share a hotel room with another participant of the same sex.
The date of arrival for the seminar is November 29, and the date of departure is December 5. Participants who require accommodation in Cluj beyond the five nights offered will be required to arrange and pay for it themselves.
The working groups will be monitored by experienced theatre critics Jean-Pierre Han (France) and Mark Brown (Scotland), both of whom are member of the IATC executive.
Applications will be accepted until October 10. Applications for the French-language group should be sent to Jean-Pierre Han: jp.han @ Applications for the English-language group should be sent to Mark Brown: markbrown.teatro @
A final list of all selected participants will be announced as soon as possible, in order to allow participants to prepare for their trip and obtain any necessary visa for Romania.