The Young Critics’ Seminar was organized in the context of Sibiu International Festival, which took place between the 25th of May and the 3rd of June, 2012. Due to the delay in posting the advertisement on the IATC website, there was only one section of the seminar, i.e. the English one. It was attended by four brilliant young critics: Alexandra Dunaeva, Andreea Zsigmond, Nikolay Berman and Petr Vodsedalek. The small number of participants was an advantage rather than a drawback, as all the conversations were more intense, more dynamic and more detailed than they would have been otherwise. The topics were, naturally, the highlights of the festival’s programme, whether they were intimate, cameral shows like Wu Hsing-kuo’s King Lear, or massive productions, like Silviu Purcarete’s Faust. It was a pleasure to realise that the performances were, in fact, starting points for more complex conversations in which Alexandra, Andreea, Nikolay and Petr engaged with passion and acumen, making remarks that went beyond the usual critical comments with regard to various aspects of one production or another. Therefore, the seminar was, above all, an exercise in deep critical thinking, an invaluable opportunity to discuss what theatre is, what theatre criticism is and indeed what they both should be. ( Octavian Saiu )