The Czech Centre of the IATC/AICT has been following with deep concern the efforts of a part of Czech society and its political representation to infringe upon the freedom of creation and expression that manifested during the performance of Naše násilí a vaše násilí (Our Violence and Your Violence) by guest Slovenian group Mladinsko Gledališče at the Divadelní Svět Brno Festival, and expresses full solidarity with the artists and organisers of the festival.
Art has the responsibility to reflect critically on society and on the world, and to do so from any political position, even in the form of demystification of religious and other icons, as is the case in this production. It is not permissible in civil society to silence any speech, which has not broken the law, either by political or by economic means. Art is an open platform for diverse social and political opinions and positions and must remain free at any cost. The basis of this civilisation and of European society is rooted in these principles, for which the Czech Centre AICT also stands.
We call upon Czech politicians to stand with civil society; to not allow themselves to be influenced by initiatives linked to the violent interference with the theatrical performance in Brno and attempts to censure the Brno Festival’s programme; and to publicly declare and stand for the full freedom of artistic creation.