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THE ART OF PUPPETRY – between tradition and future

All performing arts have suffered during the pandemic, but this difficult situation has also fed creativity and inventiveness. UNIMA, the international association for the puppetry world, and UNESCO invite you to a Transnational Round Table on the 20th of March, an occasion to provide updates and a summary of the situation. This is related to the World Puppetry Day, celebrated on the following day, the 21st of March.

The president of the IATC, Margareta Sörenson, will moderate the discussion about online exhibitions, street performances and intense networking within the field. The participants are: Nancy Staub, researcher and adviser of the Center of Puppetry Arts in Atlanta (USA), Fabrizio Montecchi, shadow theatre artist (Italy), Dadi Pudumjee, puppet theatre director (president of UNIMA) (India), Oksana Byrliba, puppet theatre artist (Russia), and Gilbert Agbevide, producer and puppetry artist (Togo).

Live Zoom link for viewers who would like to ask questions :

Facebook live: www.facebook.com/ResiliArtUnima

Photo credit: Teatro Gioco Vita, Circoluna, Photo: Mauro Del Papa