The world has changed and the pandemic’s grip is universal. An international association such as IATC, during this time, cannot function as we have in the past via live meetings, conferences, conversations and workshops.
The tragedy of more than 600,000 dead and untold numbers of the severely ill around the globe is overwhelming, and it affects all sectors of our civilisation. Culture and the arts are important parts of the mosaic of human existence.
As an association, we adapted to the new circumstances as quickly as possible, working intensely on social media and other online forums.
Our web site has a new section where many active national sections of IATC tell how they are tackling the situation during this time Coronavirus restrictions.
A series of planned online conferences has begun, with the first taking place in June. It is linked to this website, and in the pages of our bilingual journal Critical Stages/Scènes critiques, which recently published its latest edition. Among many interesting topics, the journal includes an international overview on how the pandemic has changed the field of the performing arts in many countries.
Summer is the time for rest and recreation in large parts of the world. Normally, however, it is also the time for performance festivals, which function as engines driving the performing arts for the year to come. Summer is also a time when diverse audiences have special opportunities to experience theatre, often outdoors. This year, unfortunately, festivals are cancelled or reduced to online events. The next IATC online conference, which will be offered as autumn draws near, will consider the missing festivals: What will happen without a “normal” flow of productions? Will the last days of summer bring us closer to the new normal? We encourage performing artists, scholars, critics, and audiences to explore our website for a glimpse at the world of international theatre critics and its engagement across borders.