The Festive Season and New Year’s holidays are a time for celebration, but 2020 offers caution amid the festivities.
As theatre critics, we closely follow the performing arts, even in this time of global pandemic and repeated lockdowns. We act in solidarity with the artists of our stage. “You are not alone” has been our mantra, and it is true, for the arts crisis affects us all.
As 2021 dawns, we see the possibility of hope on the horizon. The globe spins toward a “new normal” and IATC will continue to develop its online activities. Our online conferences, roundtables, and workshops for young critics have proven successful and we plan for more. Planning has also begun for the online IATC World Congress to be held in 2021, with details to come in the near future.
Our many national or regional sections have resiliently found new ways to work. Annual critics’ prizes have developed into video interviews and online talks; in some cases, perhaps, with greater depth and care than in previous, more festive versions. Online roundtables and discussions are growing into a routine for critics. In many countries, we are defenders of the arts, arguing in favor of greater support.
The IATC journal, Critical Stages, has neither closed nor reorganized. It continues, as ever, publishing twice a year. Our next issue will soon be published: a gift for all theatre lovers to help celebrate the New Year.