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Meeting of the partner organisations of ITI in Shanghai

In late November, International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT-IATC) president Margareta Sorenson participated in the Partner Organisation Meeting of ITI – UNESCO, in Shanghai, China. As of late 2019, the International Theatre Institute headquarters has made its home in Shanghai for nearly five years.

The Partner Organisation gathered more than a dozen international professional associations, including organisations such as ASSITEJ, OISTAT, the European Theatre Convention, global alliances of dance, mime, music and others, and associations for libraries and museums for the performing arts. The Shanghai Theatre Academy and ITI generously hosted the meeting.

The main goal of the meeting was to enhance collaboration among the many associations within the “family” of ITI. IATC found the meetings an excellent place to continue building working relationships already established, and looks forward to creating new ones.  Margareta Sörenson, in her conversations, stressed the challenging situation for theatre critics as writers, publishers and journalists in an era of restrictions, budget cuts and continuing disruption of the media landscape.