On October 8, AICT-IATC Vice-President Jean-Pierre Han will give a keynote speech on the 4th Transforum organized by the AICT-IATC Japanese Section.
This online forum organised by the AICT/IATC Japanese section aims to initiate a vigorous discussion about theatre criticism with global members to enhance our international partnership. In so doing, we would like to seek what we, theatre critics, can do for theatres that have continued to experience a challenging time since the pandemic began. Every two months, we invite a guest speaker nominated among our international members to share the current climate of theatre criticism in their country. Two discussants from the Japanese section also accompany the online symposium.
Abstract of the Keynote Speech
It is necessary to focus on questions regarding temporality and location in order to draw, as requested, an overview of theatre in France today. The notion of theatre itself is perhaps in need of a new definition: what is theatre today, as it is constantly fed with other arts, such as dance, performance, music, cinema, etc.? More than ever, theatre, in all its components, is open to the outside world. In other words, France is a country featuring and producing many shows from various countries; therefore, it is impossible to talk about theatre in France without mentioning foreign influences. These are an integral part of our theatrical life. Speaking of temporality also means evoking the current global turmoils. The last one, the Covid pandemic, is fundamental: there was a « before »; what will the « after » look like? Under the current situation, what can theatre critics do?
To join the Transforum, please, follow the link bellow:
Date: Saturday 8 October
Time: 12:00 (GMT) in the afternoon
Language: French
Format: Online
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 924 3411 5854
Passcode: 594953
Short bio
Jean-Pierre HAN: Journalist, theatre critic and literary critic. Founder and editor of the journal Frictions, Théâtres-Écriture; editor of Lettres françaises. Collaborates to various publications, in France and abroad, namely Spain, South Korea and Germany.
Former member of the DRAC Ile-de-France Commission (Direction régionale des affaires culturelles), of the Commission d’aide à la création of the Ministry of Culture and of the Centre national du livre (theatre section).
Taught, as Maître de conférence associé, in the following universities : Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris III-Censier (Institut d’études théâtrales), Paris X-Nanterre, Université d’Évry.
Some publications:
Derniers feux. Essais de critique dramatique. Éditions Lansman. Award of the Great Price of the best book of the year on theater in 2009.
Critique dramatique et alentours. Carnets de Frictions, n°1. 2016.
33 éditos + 1. Award of theGreat Price of the best book of the year on theater in 2020.