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Dária Fojtíková Fehérová – Slovakia / ExCom Candidacy

As a “young critic,” I attended several workshops for young critics organized by AICT/IATC. In 2014, I participated at a conference in Beijing, China, where I introduced a Slovak online project of reviewing professional Slovak theatre around the country, during the time of insufficient expert criticism. I believe in the values that Slovak theatre, and the theatre in general, represent today, and I believe in the quality and professionalism of Slovak theatre, which I would like to present further abroad. I also offer my professional expertise and, more importantly, passion for theatre to promote critical writing as a form of capturing the cultural heritage. Theatre is only a temporary substance: if we don’t preserve it in a wider context, there won’t be any memory left of what it reflected at the time of its creation. Even today, when we face a lot of hidden lies and conspiracies, securing the truth is especially important.

Short Bio

Dária Fojtíková Fehérová, PhD. (b. 1984) completed the study of theatre science at the University of Performing Arts in Bratislava, a complementary pedagogical study focused on creative drama for children, and postgraduate studies at the Department of Aesthetics of the Philosophical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava. She is a theatre critic and historian, actively participates in domestic and foreign professional events, conferences, and festivals. She focuses on contemporary Slovak drama and new tendencies in staging. As a historian, she studies Slovak theatre directors. She works at the Theatre Institute Bratislava, currently as the head of the Center for Theater Research and Education. Since 2009, she has been working with the Nová dráma/New Drama Festival. She regularly publishes for theatre magazines and scientific journals, and is the author or co-author of theatre anthologies.

Example of works

Štefko, Vladimír, Fojtíková Fehérová, Dária, and Timko, Martin (eds.). Ferdinand Hoffmann : Kritik, dramaturg, riaditeľ (Ferdinand Hoffmann : Critic, Dramaturge, Director). Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2015. 574 p. ISBN 9788089369843.

Fojtíková Fehérová, Dária. “Slovenské divadlo v rokoch 1949 – 1956. (“Slovak Theatre Between 1949 – 1956”). In Štefko, Vladimír (ed.). Dejiny slovenského divadla II. (History of Slovak Theatre, vol. 2). Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2020, pp. 15 – 54. 978-80-8190-066-2.

Fojtíková Fehérová, Dária. “Tragický klaun Robert Roth”. (“Tragic Clown Robert Roth”). In Mišovic, Karol (ed.). Slovenská komika, komédia, komici (Slovak Comic, Comedy, Comedians). Bratislava: Art Research Centre of Academy of Sciences, 2023, pp. 40 – 49. ISBN 978-80-971155-6-2.

Fehérová, Dária. Cesta Roberta Rotha do Slovenského národného divadla (Robert Roth’s Journey to the Slovak National Theatre). In Slovenské divadlo, 2023, vol. 71, no.2, pp. 214-226. ISSN 0037-699X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/sd-2023-0015.